
Read(1715) Label: hdfs,

Ø  hdfs_open()

Connect to the HDFS file system and return connection object hd

Ø  hdfs_close()

Close the HDFS connection

Ø  hdfs_dir()

List the file names in a specified path in an HDFS file system

Ø  hdfs_download()

Download a remote file/folder to a local file/folder

Ø  hdfs_exists()

Check whether there is a specified file or folder in HDFS and return a Boolean value

Ø  hdfs_file()

Open a specified directory and return an HDFS file flow

Ø  hdfs_upload()

Upload a local file/folder to a remote file/folder

Ø  hdfs_write()

Upload data to the specified location in HDFS

Ø  hdfs_open()

Connect to the HDFS file system and return connection object hd

Ø  hdfs_close()

Close the HDFS connection

Ø  webhdfs()

Implement an operation on file data, such as download and upload, through WebHDFS

Ø  webhdfs_file()

Implement file read and write through WebHDFS