Perform alignment arithmetic operations between two sequences.
A??B |
A??x |
x??A |
x is parsed as a sequence whose members are x and having same length as sequence A |
Alignment Arithmetic Operations are performed between two sequences of same length. ?? is the alignment operator, which can be ++ (alignment addition), -- (alignment subtraction), ** (alignment multiplication), // (alignment division), %% (mod operation) and \\ (integer division).
A |
A sequence. |
B |
A sequence. |
x |
A real number. |
Return value:
A |
1 |
=[4,2,3,3]++[5,10,2,1] |
Perform alignment addition on two sequences; the computing process is [4+5,2+10,3+3,3+1] amd result is [9,12,5,4]. |
2 |
=[4,2,3,3]--[5,10,2,1] |
[-1,-8,1,2] |
3 |
=[4,2,3,3]**[5,10,2,1] |
[20,20,6,3] |
4 |
=[4,2,3,3]//[5,10,2,1] |
[0.8,0,2,1.5,3.0] |
5 |
=[7,12,3,3]%%[5,10,2,1] |
[2,2,1,0] |
6 |
=[7,12,3,3]\\[5,10,2,1] |
[1,1,1,3] |
Alignment arithmetic operations between a sequence and a real number:
A |
1 |
=[70,120,30,30]**0.1 |
Perform alignment multiplication between a sequence and a real number; the computing process is [70*0.1,120*0.1,30*0.1, 30*0.1] and result is [7,12,3,3]. |
2 |
=80\\[10,5,4,20] |
[8,16,20,4] |
Related function: