Here are how to use replace() functions.
Replace a specified substring of a source string.
replace (s,a,b)
The function replaces substring a of string s with string b. When parameters a and b are sequences, replace members of a with corresponding members of b.
s |
Source string. |
a |
A substring of the source string, or a sequence of substrings. |
b |
The string or a sequence of strings with which the specified substring will be replaced. |
@q |
A quoted specified string won’t be replaced. |
@1 |
Enable to replace the first-found specified substring only. |
@c |
Case-insensitive. |
@s |
Split content of a and b respectively into a sequence and perform the replacement correspondingly. |
@w |
Only replace the substring with the same number of characters. |
replace("123321","2","two") |
1two33two1. |
replace("abc'abc'def","a","China") |
Chinabc'Chinabc'def. |
replace@q("abc'abc'def","a","China") |
Chinabc'abc'def; the “a” enclosed by the single quotes are not replaced. |
replace@1("abcabcdef","a","China") |
Chinabcabcdef; only the first “a” is replaced. |
replace@c("abcabcdef","A","China") |
ChinabcChinabcdef; case-insensitive. |
replace("1212341",["1","2"],["8","9"]) |
8989348. |
replace@s("1212341","12","89") |
8989348. |
replace("aaa,aab,aa","aa","AA") |
Return AAa,AAb,AA. |
replace@w("aaa,aab,aa","aa","AA") |
Use @w option to replace the substring having the same number of characters only; here the function returns aaa,aab,AA: |
Replace a substring at the specified position in a source string.
The function replaces a substring starting from position p and of the length of l with string b. When parameter l is absent or 0, insert string b at position p; when parameter b is absent, delete a number of (l) characters at position p.
When parameter p is 0 or greater than the length of source string s, perform the replacement at the end of the source string.
s |
Source string. |
p |
An integer. |
l |
A positive integer or 0. |
b |
The replacement string. |
Return value:
replace("123456",2:3,"abc") |
Starting from the 2nd character counted from the leftmost, replace the three continuous characters with abc, and return 1abc56. |
replace("123456",-3:1) |
Starting from the 3rd character counted from the rightmost, delete one character, and return 12356. |
replace("123456",4,"abc") |
Insert characters abc before the 4th character counted from the leftmost, and return 123abc456. |
replace("123456",4:0,"abc") |
Same as above. |
replace("123456",-2,"abc") |
Insert characters abc before the 2nd character counted from the rightmost, and return 123abc56. |
replace("123456",0,"abc") |
Insert characters abc at the end of the source string, and return 123456abc. |