Edit result

Read(418) Label: edit result,

After a result set is named, we can perform operations on it, such as filtering, sorting, grouping, set operations, add, delete, modify, and export. For example, we click to rename the above result set Emp:

  Click “OK” to get the following interface displaying the result set:

Edit data

This section explains common operations on a result set, such as add, delete, and modify.

Ø  Append row

Click  to add a row after the last row of the result set.

Ø  Append column

Click  to add a column after the last column of the result set.

Ø  Insert row

Click  to insert a row before a selected row or cell.

Ø  Insert column

Click  to insert a column before a selected column or cell.

Ø  Delete row

Click  to delete one or more selected rows.

Ø  Delete column

Click  to delete one or more selected columns.

Ø  Shift row up

Click  to move up one or more selected rows.

Ø  Shift row down

Click  to move down one or more selected rows.

Ø  Shift column left

Click  to move the current column left.

Ø  Shift column right

Click  to move the current column right.

Ø  Modify

Select a cell and double click it to modify data in the cell.

Ø  Copy

Select one or more rows, right click them, and select copy option to copy the selected row(s) to clipboard.

Ø  Cut

Select one or more rows, right click them, and select cut option to cut the selected row(s).

Ø  Paste

Select one or more rows, right click to select paste option to paste data on the clipboard to the current position. Note that the action requires that data structure on the clipboard be the same as that of the current table.

Complex computation

This section explains how to perform complex computations on data, such as filtering, sorting and grouping.

Ø  Computed column

We can add user-defined columns to an existing result set through this “Computed column” functionality and generate a new result set. To add columns AGE to the following emp1 result set and generate new result set emp_AGE, for example:

On the result set page, click  or right-click the result set data to select a computed column and get into the configuration window:

Use parallel processingUse the parallel processing to increase performance when the computation is complex and involves a huge volume of data; data won’t be computed in a certain order.

Do not generate a record if expression result is nullDo not generate a corresponding record when the result of computing the specified expression is null.

Click  to add a new column, whose expression is age(BIRTHDAY) and alias is AGE and that generates a new result set named emp_AGE. Click “OK” and generate new result set emp_AGE as follows:


Ø  Filter data

To perform filtering on one or more fields, click  or right click a result set to choose “Filter data”, and select records according to the specified filter expression. To get records employees in sales department whose salary are above 5,000 from result set Emp, the filter expression is DEPT == "Sales" && SALARY > 5000 and the result set name is set as Emp_Sales, as shown below:

Click “OK” and generate new result set Emp_Sales as follows:

In a filter expression, we can also use an esProc function besides operators. To further filter the above result set Emp_Sales to get records of employees whose names start with letter B, the filter expression is like(NAME,"B*") and result set name is Emp_B, as shown below:

Click “OK” and we get new result set Emp_B as follows:


Ø  Sort data

On the “Result” tab, click “Sort data” button  or right-click the result set data to select “Sort data” and set the sorting field and sorting direction to display data in the result set in a certain order. To sort result set emp by HIREDAE in descending order and by NAME in ascending order and name the result set after sorting Emp_sort, for example:


Keep the original orderPerform sorting on multilevel data by the specified field while keeping the original order, that is, sort data according to positions records appear for the first time.

Use parallel processingUse parallel processing to increase performance when the computation is complex and involves a huge volume of data.

Place null values in the endPut records where the sorting field values are null in the end.

Click “OK” to generate new result set Emp_sort as follows:


We can also double click a field on the table header to sort the current column. To sort result set Emp by SALARY, double click SALARY field to sort values in ascending order:


Double click SALARY field again to sort values in descending order. We can also drag field names to change order of fields.

Ø  Select fields

On the “Result” tab, click “Select fields” button  or right-click result set data to select fields. This lets us compute the specified expression on certain fields of the result set to generate a new result set. For example, select EID, NAME, SURNAME, HIREDATE and SALARY from data set Emp, join up NAME and SURNAME to form NAME field, compute hire duration according to HIREDATE, and correspond each EID with two records, which are the original salary SALARY and the SALARY value after 50% salary increase:


Sequence/IntegerOptional. Suppose the content to-be-entered is parameter X, then in the selected fields expression we can use “~” to reference X, which can be a sequence or an integer. When it is an integer, it can be understood as to(X), which means performing X round of computations on the result set.

Click “OK” and generate a new result set Emp_anew as follows:


Ø  Group data


On the “Result” tab, click “Group data” button   or right-click result set data to select “Group data”. This lets us to perform grouping & aggregation on a result set. For example, group result set Emp by DEPT field and compute average salary and the number of employees in each group:



Do not sort result set by grouping fieldDo not sort the result set according to the selected grouping field.

Use parallel processingUse parallel processing to increase performance when the computation is complex and involves a huge volume of data.

Compare with the neighboring value onlyCompare value of the specified field with that of the directly next record, which amounts to merge, and won’t sort the result set.

Discard a group whose members are nullDelete a group on which result of computing the grouping field is null.

Output detailsAdd a details field to store records before each group is summarized.

Click “OK” and generate a new result set Emp_group as follows:


Ø  Set operations

On the “Result” tab, click “Set operations” button   or right-click result set data to select “Set operations”. For example, we have result sets StockRecord2013 and StockRecord2014, and trying to union them. Below are contents of the two result sets:

Click  on the interface of result set StockRecord2013 and enter the set operations configuration interface:


Click “OK” and generate new result set SR2013_2014 as follows:



Ø  Data association

On the “Result” tab, click “Join” button   or right-click result set data to select “Join” to associate data in multiple result sets through the join fields.

Suppose there are two result sets STATECAPITAL and STATENAME, perform an inner join on the two through STATEID field:

Click  on the interface of result set STATECAPITAL and enter the data association configuration interface:




Click “OK” and generate new result set STATE_join as follows:



Save data

This section explains how to save an edited result to a file.

Ø  Save as text

Click  and we can save the current result set as a text file of txt fomart.

Ø  Export to file

Click  and we can export the current result set as file of a certain format. Supported file formats include ctx, btx, txt, csv, and xlsx. Below is the export interface:

Set name of the file to be exported, select export type and options, check fields to be exported and the primary key, and click “OK” to export data in a result set to a file.

Export column headers Write field names (titles) to the first row of the file.

AppendAppend-write; the appended contents need to have same data structure as the target file, otherwise error will be reported.

Write to binary file by segment Write data as a faster binary file.

Use Windows-style line breakUse Windows-style line break, which is \r\n; otherwise use system default.

Enclose field values and headers in quotes Enclose exported text field values and names with quotes.

Use double quotation marks as escape characterConvert two double quotation marks into one and do not escape other characters.